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Tips & Tricks

Treatments for fresh flowers that droop in the early days of their normal vase life.

Delphinium, Chrysanthemum, Sunflowers & Hydrangea

Should any of these varieties of flowers look like they have gone a bit soft and floppy either on the leaves or the flower head in the early days of their expected vase life, try re-cutting a small amount off the bottom of the stems and hold the bottom of stems in approximately 8 cm of boiling hot water for no more than a minute. Then arrange in vase of cold water. This is very successful to re-hydrate them again.

Oriental Liliums

Do not place in hot water!
Oriental lilium have large flowers that sometimes need the stems to be cut shorter for the water to get up the stem and firm up the flower head again.


Re-cut and put in deep cold water up to the top of the stem. Refrain from immersing the flower head. Leave like this for an hour before arranging in your vase.

Singapore Orchids

These like to be fully immersed (including flowers) in room temperature water for about half an hour. Then cut some off the bottom of the stems at an angle and place them in water in your vase. This can be done every few days to keep them at their best. Use a water spray bottle and mist them regularly for longest vase life.


Hyacinths that flop over can be re-cut and, if the stems are thick enough, try inserting a bamboo skewer slowly up the centre of the stem to support the flower and cut off flush with the bottom of the stem.

Liliums not open enough for a particular occasion

For Longiflorum (Christmas or November Lilies) or Asiatics (not Oriental Liliums), try putting them in a warm room with a dose of sugar and warm (not hot) water to get them moving. As the water cools off, change it with another dose of sugar and warm water. It is important that you do not put them directly in front of a heater as this will just make them droop without opening. Frequently changing the water is essential to get them opening, but keep in mind that this process shortens the vase life immensely and should only be used when you need them open for a particular function.